termite control

Facts About the Black Widow

Among many creatures that inhabit the planet are those that damage or kill people. This is not done consciously, more than anything it happens accidentally because the reactions of said pests are done as defense mechanisms (when they feel threatened or attacked by something or someone). Among these are magnificent animals or insects of exuberant beauty, for example, some are species of spiders. And the one that people in the United States should fear is the black widow. Before going any further, if you see a black widow inside or around your home, leave it alone! Contact a Pest Control expert immediately.

If you happen to have a black widow spider bite, it is crucial that you do not get upset. The venom of a spider bite is just like the one of a snake. The more upset a person gets, the faster their heart rate is. The faster the heart rate, the speed at which blood flows increases. What does this mean exactly? In plain terms, getting upset after a bite only speeds up the process. Before you go any further, it is vital to know what a black widow looks like. Belonging to the arachnid family, female spiders are bright black, in addition, they have a red mark in the shape of an hourglass on their back. As for black widow males, they are a little smaller and have four pairs of white and red- striped legs. A pest control company should be able to distinguish these spiders from all other types.

The black widow inhabits mainly North America, and usually hide in dark places. Yes, this includes under rocks or even in some plants. The widow is approximately 12 mm in size depending on sex, the females being the larger of the two. Keep in mind that the black widow is as fascinating as it is dangerous. A spider and termite control specialist should be able to remedy the issue rather quickly.

Remember to always keep your house clean and tidy, as to avoid these strange creatures that can harm your health or that of your family. Black widow spiders are not annoying, but if they are in places where they feel vulnerable, they are more likely to harm every living animal in sight, so you must be vigilant when trying to eliminate these pests. Even though pest control specialists have several ways of fighting these insects, there are ways to ensure your safety. For more information on pest control and fungus treatments, contact a local pest management firm today.